100 List in 2014: [badge style=’3′]#1-20[/badge] | [badge style=’3′]#21-40[/badge] | [badge style=’1′]#41-60[/badge] | [badge style=’3′]#61-80[/badge]| #[badge style=’3′]#81-100[/badge]
#41 – 60 on the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People List in 2014
[dropcap]41[/dropcap] Robin SharmaBorn 1964/65 in Uganda / Author and Leadership Expert
Sharma is a writer and speaker on leadership, peak performance and life management. His work has been published in over 60 countries and he has sold over 6 million books. He first shot to fame with The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and in 2013 followed this up with Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. His latest book Family Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari has just been published. www.robinsharma.com [dropcap]42[/dropcap] Jack Canfield
Born in Fort Worth, Texas / 19 August 1944 (Leo/Monkey) / Motivational Speaker and Author
Canfield is best known as the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which currently has nearly 200 titles and 112 million copies in print in over 40 languages. His latest books are Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive–101 Inspirational Stories about Counting Your Blessings and Having a Positive Attitude and The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Confidence and Certainty. www.jackcanfield.com [dropcap]43[/dropcap] Lisa Williams
Born in Birmingham, England / 19 June 1973 (Gemini/Ox) / Medium and Clairvoyant
A world-renowned psychic medium, author, speaker and teacher, Williams starred in two hit shows on Lifetime TV: Life Among the Dead and Voices From the Other Side. Her latest book is The Survival of the Soul. www.lisawilliams.com [dropcap]44[/dropcap] Mooji
Born in Port Antonio, Jamaica / 29 January 1954 (Aquarius/Snake) / Spiritual Teacher
Born in Murree, Pakistan / 7 September 1940 (Virgo/Dragon) / Author and Speaker
Diana’s books involve angels, archangels, unicorns, all elementals including fairies and Ascended Masters. She gives lectures worldwide and founded the Diana Cooper School. Her latest book Birthing a New Civilization: Transition to the New Golden Age in 2032 was published in November. www.dianacooper.com [dropcap]46[/dropcap] Lynne McTaggart
Born in New York, USA / 23 January 1951 (Aquarius/Tiger) / Author and Journalist
Born 1941 / Author and Spiritual Teacher
Drunvalo is the author of The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Volumes I and II, Living in the Heart, Serpent of Light, and The Mayan Ouroboros. He also lectures on sacred geometry, human energy fields, spirituality, and meditation. www.drunvalo.net [dropcap]48[/dropcap] Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Born in Tehran / 7 April 1933 (Aries/Rooster) / Islamic Writer and Academic
Born in Los Angeles, USA / 22 February 1946 (Pisces/Dog) / Gymnast, Teacher and Writer
A former trampolining world champion, Millman is the author of the semi-autobiographical novel, Way of the Peaceful Warrior which was adapted into the feature film, Peaceful Warrior, in 2006. His latest book The Creative Compass: Writing Your Way from Inspiration to Publication, written with his daughter Sierra Prasada, was published in November. www.peacefulwarrior.com [dropcap]50[/dropcap] Adyashanti
Born in Cupertino, California, USA / 26 October 1962 (Scorpio/Tiger) / Spiritual Teacher and Writer
Born in Kansas, USA / 20 March 1943 (Pisces/Goat) / Priest, Author and Inspirational Speaker
Fr. Richard is a globally recognized ecumenical teacher bearing witness to the universal awakening within mystical and transformational traditions. A Franciscan priest and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, his teaching is grounded in practices of contemplation and lived kenosis (self-emptying), expressing itself in radical compassion, particularly for the socially marginalized. His latest book Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self was published in 2013, along with Yes, and… a collection of daily meditations. cac.org [dropcap]52[/dropcap] Erich von Daniken
Born in Zofingen, Switzerland / 14 April 1935 (Aries/Pig) / Author
Born in Chicago, USA / 2 December 1952 (Sagittarius/Dragon) / Teacher and Author
Myss is described as a medical intuitive and mystic. She is the author of numerous bestsellers, including Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred Contracts, Entering The Castle and Defy Gravity. Her latest book Archetypes: A Beginner’s Guide to Your Inner-net was published in paperback in December. www.myss.com [dropcap]54[/dropcap] John Gray
Born in Houston, Texas, USA / 28 December 1951 (Capricorn/Rabbit) / Author and Relationship Counsellor
Gray is a relationship counsellor, lecturer and author, whose books have sold over 50 million copies in 50 different languages. His groundbreaking book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, was a bestseller in the 1990s and launched his Mars Venus book series. His latest book, co-written with Barbara Annis, is Work with Me: How gender intelligence can help you succeed at work and in life. www.marsvenus.com [dropcap]55[/dropcap] Jack Kornfield
Born in USA / 16 July 1945 (Cancer/Rooster) / Buddhist Teacher and Author
Born in Yokohama, Japan / 22 July 1943 (Cancer/Goat) / Writer and Researcher
Emoto is an advocate for alternative medicine and the idea that words and spiritual energies impact water memory. His best selling books such as Messages from Water are filled with photographs of water crystals next to letters and ‘words of intent’, and illustrate the effect of thought and words on the environment. www.masaru-emoto.net [dropcap]57[/dropcap] Dolores Cannon
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA / 15 April 1931 (Aries/Goat) / Author, Hypnotherapist and Psychic Researcher
A regressive hypnotherapist and psychic researcher who records “Lost knowledge”, Dolores wrote the three-volume set Conversations with Nostradamus, a series on the translation of Nostradamus’ quatrains. Her latest series, The Convoluted Universe, goes further into complex metaphysical theories. www.dolorescannon.com [dropcap]58[/dropcap] Daniel Gilbert
Born in Ithaca, New York, USA / 5 November 1957 (Scorpio/Rooster) / Psychologist and Writer
Born in London, England / 30 July 1980 (Leo/Monkey) / Author and Teacher
Born in USA / 5 July 1935 (Cancer/Pig) / Speaker and Author
One of the most sought-after speakers in the world for professional coaching and company seminars, Proctor is considered one of the living masters and teachers of the Law of Attraction. For over 40 years, he has focused his work and teachings on helping people use the power of their mind to achieve prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness. His books include the bestseller You Were Born Rich. bobproctor.com
100 List in 2014: [badge style=’3′]#1-20[/badge] | [badge style=’3′]#21-40[/badge] | [badge style=’1′]#41-60[/badge] | [badge style=’3′]#61-80[/badge] | #[badge style=’3′]#81-100[/badge]
Success is…knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others. ~ John C. Maxwell