100 List in 2014: [badge style=’3′]#1-20[/badge] | [badge style=’3′]#21-40[/badge] | [badge style=’3′]#41-60[/badge] | [badge style=’3′]#61-80[/badge] | [badge style=’1′]#81-100[/badge]
#81 – 100 on the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People List in 2014
[dropcap]81[/dropcap]Bernie SiegelBorn in Brooklyn, New York, USA/14 October 1932 (Libra/Monkey)/Physician and Author
Bernie S. Siegel, MD, is a well-known proponent of alternative approaches to healing that heal not just the body but also the mind and soul. In 1978 he pioneered a new approach to group and individual cancer therapy called ECaP (Exceptional Cancer Patients). His innovative methods used patients’ drawings, dreams, and feelings, and broke new ground in facilitating important lifestyle changes while engaging patients in the healing process. Bernie retired from general and pediatric surgical practice in 1989 and has since dedicated himself to humanizing the medical establishment’s approach to patients and empowering patients to induce their own healing. His latest book is The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-Healing – see Bernie’s article on page 54. berniesiegelmd.com [dropcap]82[/dropcap]Michael Bernard Beckwith
Born in USA/21 July 1956 (Cancer/Monkey)/Author and New Thought Minister
Beckwith is the founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, a transdenominational community in Los Angeles. He is the founder of the University of Transformational Studies and Leadership, and an international speaker and teacher of meditation, and has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Live. His latest book Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential is now available in paperback (see the interview with Michael on page 30).agapelive.com [dropcap]83[/dropcap]Prem Rawat
Born in Haridwar, India/10 December 1957 (Sagittarius/Rooster)/Spiritual Leader
Also known as Maharaji, Rawat teaches a meditation practice he calls Knowledge. At the age of eight, he succeeded his father as leader of the Divine Light Mission and as the new Satguru (Perfect Master) to millions of Indian followers. Under his charismatic leadership, the Divine Light Mission became the fastest growing new religious movement in the West, though it was sometimes described as a cult. www.maharaji.net [dropcap]84[/dropcap]Colette Baron-Reid
Born in Toronto, Canada/17 July 1958 (Cancer/Dog)
Medium, Speaker, Singer and Author Baron-Reid is an internationally renowned intuitive counsellor, educator and #1 bestselling author who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. She is the author of Remembering the Future, Messages from Spirit and The Map. Her latest book, Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much, was published in March 2013.colettebaronreid.com [dropcap]85[/dropcap]Thomas Moore
Born in Detroit, Michigan, USA/8 October 1940 (Libra/Dragon)/Author and Jungian Psychotherapist
Moore is the author of the bestselling book Care of the Soul and many other books on deepening spirituality and cultivating soul in every aspect of life. He has been a monk, a musician, a university professor, and a psychotherapist, and today he lectures widely on holistic medicine, spirituality, psychotherapy, and the arts. His new book A Religion of One’s Own: A Guide to Creating a Personal Spirituality in a Secular World was published in January.careofthesoul.net [dropcap]86[/dropcap]Lorna Byrne
Born in Dublin, Ireland/25 March 1953 (Aries/Snake)/Angel Author
Byrne is the Sunday Times #1 bestselling author of Angels in My Hair, Stairways to Heaven and A Message of Hope from the Angels. Her books are available in more than 50 countries and have been translated into 26 languages. From before she could talk Lorna was seeing and communicating with Angels – she sees them as physically as the rest of us see someone standing in front of us. Her new book The Origin of Love will be published in April. www.lornabyrne.com [dropcap]87[/dropcap]Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Born in Indiana, USA/27 January 1945 (Aquarius/Monkey)/Jungian Psychoanalyst, Poet and Writer
Best known for her exploration of the Wild Woman Archetype in Women Who Run with the Wolves, which was on the New York Times Best Seller list for 145 weeks. Her new book Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul was published in paperback in October. www.clarissapinkolaestes.com [dropcap]88[/dropcap]David Wolpe
Born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA/19 September 1958 (Virgo/Dog)/Author, Public Speaker and Rabbi
David J. Wolpe is an author, public speaker, the Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, and a teacher of modern Jewish religious thought at UCLA. In 2012 he was named the most influential Rabbi in America by Newsweek Magazine and one of the 50 most influential Jews in the world by the Jerusalem Post. He is also the author of seven books, including the national bestseller Making Loss Matter: Creating Meaning in Difficult Times, and a frequent television guest. sinaitemple.org [dropcap]89[/dropcap]Anita Moorjani
Born in Singapore/16 March 1959 (Pisces/Pig)/Author and Cancer Survivor
Moorjani was diagnosed with terminal cancer and doctors told her family she was just hours from death. At this point she ‘crossed over’ and then returned again with a clearer understanding of her life and purpose on earth. Her near-death experience changed her perspective on life and her work is now ingrained with the insights she gained while in the other realm. She works on the premise that our inner world is our primary reality, and if our internal state is healthy and strong, then our external world will align itself and fall into place as a result. The full story is told in her bestseller Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing. www.anitamoorjani.com [dropcap]90[/dropcap]Larry Dossey
Born in Groesbeck, Texas, USA/27 September 1940 (Libra/Dragon)/Physician and Author
Larry Dossey MD is a leader in bringing scientific understanding to spirituality, and rigorous proof to complementary/ integrative medicine. In 2013, he received the prestigious Visionary Award that honours a pioneer whose visionary ideas have shaped integrative healthcare and the medical profession. The author of the New York Times bestseller Healing Words and many other books, his latest title One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters has drawn praise from Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, Bernie Siegel, Rupert Sheldrake, Lynne McTaggart, and many others. www.dosseydossey.com [dropcap]91[/dropcap]David Steindl-Rast
Born in Vienna, Austria/12 July 1926 (Cancer/Tiger)/Monk and Author
Brother David is a Benedictine monk known for his active participation in interfaith dialogue and his work on the interaction between spirituality and science. He co-founded both the Center for Spiritual Studies (with Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu and Sufi teachers) and A Network for Grateful Living, an organization dedicated to gratefulness as a transformative influence for individuals and society. His writings include Belonging to the Universe (with Fritjof Capra), The Ground We Share (with Robert Baker Aitken), Common Sense Spirituality and Deeper than Words. His latest book 99 Blessings: An Invitation to Life was published in February 2013. www.gratefulness.org [dropcap]92[/dropcap]John C. Parkin
Born in Nottingham, England/17 October 1967 (Libra/Goat)/Author and Retreat Leader
[dropcap]93[/dropcap]Jon Kabat-Zinn
Born in New York, USA/5 June 1944 (Gemini/Monkey)/Scientist, Writer, and Meditation Teacher
Kabat-Zinn is Professor of Medicine emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, w
Born in USA in 1959 Rabbi and Activist
Sharon Kleinbaum has been Senior Rabbi of what has become the world’s largest gay and lesbian synagogue, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah in New York, since 1992. A leading social justice activist, she was named one of the “50 most influential rabbis in America” for six years by Newsweek, as well as one of their “150 Women Who Shake the World”. She was also named one of the “Top 10 Women Religious Leaders” by the Huffington Post. [dropcap]95[/dropcap]Marshall Rosenberg
Born in Canton, Ohio, USA/6 October 1934 (Libra/Dog)/Psychologist and Author
Marshall Rosenberg is a psychologist and the creator of Nonviolent Communication, a process to help people exchange the necessary information to resolve conflicts and differences peacefully. The founder and former Director of Educational Services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, he is also the author of the bestselling Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life and numerous other books. His latest title is Living Nonviolent Communication: Practical Tools to Connect and Communicate Skillfully in Every Situation. www.cnvc.org [dropcap]96[/dropcap]Huston Smith
Born in Suzhou, China / 31 May 1919 (Gemini/Goat) / Author and Professor of Religion
Smith is a religious studies scholar in the US. Holder of twelve honorary degrees, his books include The World’s Religions which has sold over 2½ million copies, and Why Religion Matters which won the Wilbur Award for the best book on religion published in 2001. In 1996 Bill Moyers devoted a 5-part PBS Special, The Wisdom of Faith with Huston Smith, to his life and work. In January 2013 in an open letter to Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and their fellow atheists, Smith wrote: “An increasing number of physicists are now beginning to say that the world looks more like a big thought than a big thing. Thought requires a thinker. Where does that leave you atheists?” www.hustonsmith.net [dropcap]97[/dropcap]Stanislav Grof
Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia/1 July 1931 (Cancer/Goat)/Psychologist and LSD Researcher
Grof is one of the founders of transpersonal psychology. His research into the use of non-ordinary states of consciousness has led to many insights into the human psyche. He has written over 20 books, including The Stormy Search for the Self, The Holotropic Mind, and LSD: Doorway to the Numinous. His latest book is Healing Our Deepest Wounds: The Holotropic Paradigm Shift. www.stanislavgrof.com [dropcap]98[/dropcap]Kathy Jones
Born in Gateshead, Co. Durham, England/21 April 1947 (Taurus/Pig)/Priestess, Author and Teacher
Kathy is a Priestess of Avalon and has played a key role in bringing back awareness of the Goddess into Glastonbury. She is the author of several Goddess books, including The Goddess in Glastonbury, The Ancient British Goddess: Her Myths, Legends and Sacred Sites, Spinning the Wheel of Ana: A Spiritual Quest to Find the British Primal Ancestors and Priestess of Avalon, Priestess of the Goddess: A Renewed Spiritual Path for the 21st Century. She is also a co-founder of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple and organiser of the Glastonbury Goddess Conference. kathyjones.co.uk [dropcap]99[/dropcap]B. K. S. Iyengar
Born in Bellur, Karnataka, India/14 December 1918 (Sagittarius/Horse)/Yoga Teacher and Author
B. K. S. Iyengar is considered one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world. The founder of Iyengar Yoga, he has written many books on yoga practice and philosophy. 2013 saw new editions of B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health, Light on Pranayama: The Definitive Guide to the Art of Breathing, The Tree of Yoga: The Definitive Guide to Yoga in Everyday Life, and Core of the Yoga Sutras: The Definitive Guide to the Philosophy of Yoga. www.bksiyengar.com [dropcap]100[/dropcap]Sonia Choquette
Born in Denver, Colorado, USA/Author, Teacher and Healer
Choquette is a gifted psychic and intuitive who actively promotes the sixth sense. Her books have sold over a million copies and include Diary of a Psychic, Ask Your Guides, and the New York Times bestseller The Answer is Simple. Her new book Tune In: Let Your Intuition Guide You to Fulfilment and Flow was published in September, along with a new edition of Trust Your Vibes. www.soniachoquette.com
What happened to Marianne Williamson?
Why does Master Suma Ching Hai’s name not appear on the list?
Thanks for the list! Shocked to see Sadhguru did not make it